
Breed:  American Staffordshire

Age/Sex:  7 mo/Female

Hi, my name is Roxie. I'm a beautiful, energetic and playful girl. I love to chase sticks and balls in the yard. I enjoy chewing on my toys and other things, getting attention and being with my humans. My favorite game is tug of war, so I don't give up my toys easily. I'm very strong, but have a sweet disposition. I am a sound sleeper and comfortable sleeping in a kennel/crate. I am a wiggle-butt when I'm happy. I take my treats very gently. I like to taste hands when they are petting me, but I don't bite down.

I play a bit too rough with dogs that are smaller than me. I am easily excited and easily distracted. I like to go for walks, but you'll have to keep up or I will try to pull you along. I'm very curious and love to explore. I am not afraid of cars and love to go for rides. I am very smart, but my humans will need patience since I haven't had much training. I do vocalize when playing, when I want attention, or if my humans walk away from me and I cannot follow them. I also vocalize when I see other animals and people and I want to go say hello to them.

My foster parents have been using some signs and hand movement queues with me to help communicate with me since I am Deaf. I almost understand "outside", "down" and "no". I am working on "sit". I am ready to keep learning many more!




Heidi's Legacy dog Rescue                                                                              Update: 3/14/10