

I adopted Pebbles from a neighbor, who was moving to a newly built home without a fence. She was 8 yrs old and their communication with her was very limited. She literally stopped in her tracks when I signed to her. I had her for only two weeks and she knew the signs for “sit” and “stay” with her former owners at the opposite end of the stay. When I lost her at the age of 15 ˝, she knew approximately 50 signs. She was a typical Dalmatian, full of energy and personality, stealing clothes off the line and zucchini and carrots from the garden. I had a picture window put in her dog house and a window put in my garage door to encourage her to stay warm and dry. If her “window to the world” was limited, she preferred to spend her days waiting for me at the gate, regardless of the weather. When I woke in the morning, her tail would start wagging. It appeared she was awake long before me and just waited for me to open my eyes. Pebbles taught me you can teach an “old dog” new tricks and was the catalyst to the life I share with deaf dogs today.